Discover the number of valves you need to achieve your tramlining rhythms
Make your life easier with universal tramlining!
VISTAFLOW is an intelligent tramlining valve that monitors seed passage inside the tubes. By fitting the seed drill distribution head with a VISTAFLOW tramlining valve on all rows, you will be able to use all tramlining rhythms as well as seed passage control on each row.
Thanks to the KUHN VISTAFLOW application, discover the number of valves you need to achieve your tramlining rhythms according to the seed drill, sprayer, spreader working widths. With this revolution, you no longer need to move valves or tubes on the seeding units!

How does it work?
- Select your seed drill.
- Configure your tramlining.
- Select your rhythm.
- Equip your distribution head according to the simulation.

Many user benefits with the VISTAFLOW system.
With the VISTAFLOW tramlining valve, tramlining is even possible when the working widths of the seed drill and the treatment (sprayer and spreader) are incompatible. KUHN VISTAFLOW configurator is available online for all devices.