SKARIFIC _silhouette

Compaction without residue removal

Scarification is an essential factor for achieving excellent yield in the field, and for this, we have developed the Skarific line of scarifiers.

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Soil decompaction is essential work to ensure high yield in the field, and with this important task in mind, the Skarific line offers ideal handling, performing soil decompaction without removing harvest residues, also preventing runoff and erosion with heavy rain. A scarified area brings better plant development as well as better moisture retention; the residues that are superficially lodged remain in place, protecting the plant and retaining moisture, improving development, as in scarification we need to preserve the layers of the earth where they are and maintain the cover (straw). The Skarific line has equipment with 4 to 25 tines, catering to all property sizes.
SKARIFIC in action in the field

Your benefits

Automatic tine release system

tine system

Tine with 25.4mm thickness

The Skarific line's tine system was designed to cater to all soil types, featuring an automatic release system to ensure the equipment's lifespan, avoiding unnecessary breakages and wear. With this function, there is no concern when opening new areas or working on unknown terrain, as the system disengages when it hits an obstacle, ensuring the integrity of the equipment and its components. The system consists of a specially developed tine of only 25.4mm, ensuring uniform decompaction, leaving a smaller furrow in the upper part of the soil.

Less Residue Removal

Scarification is a very important factor within farming, but for this task to be effective, we must decompact the soil without removing the residues stored on the surface. For this, the Skarific line features a system of offset cutting discs, benefiting the residue cutting process. The cutting disc assembly is supported by arms made of cast iron with a specially developed curvature to prevent residue accumulation. The system also includes a high-pressure spring to enhance cutting, besides preventing breakages as the spring absorbs impacts. The fixation system is through the central axis with height adjustment, allowing the equipment to be adjusted according to the depth it will work.
Less Residue Removal

Robustness for all challenges

monoblock chassis

Monoblock chassis

The Skarific line features a monoblock chassis made of 100mm x 100mm structural tubes, providing the necessary robustness to face all challenges during scarification, tested under the worst conditions to bring confidence and durability to the equipment. The chassis is composed of 4 lines of structural tubes interconnected through double mounts, adding strength to the equipment. The Skarific line also includes a well-structured header, with a lateral and vertical hitch system, allowing the equipment to freely adapt to the terrain without transmitting effort to the header and tractor, achieving better performance during scarification.

Articulated scarifiers 17 to 25 tines

Lateral Articulation

Lateral Articulation

The Skarific line of scarifiers includes equipment with 4 to 25 tines, catering to all property sizes. The 17 to 25 tine scarifiers have a lateral articulation system, facilitating transport between properties, and also providing less space when storing the equipment after work. The articulation is made through cylinders connected to the tractor's hydraulic system, bringing agility and convenience during work, as to articulate the equipment, you simply activate the tractor's command for the equipment to close or open according to the operation. This function is of great importance, as this articulation system makes your day-to-day easier.
SKARIFIC in action in the field
