GA 1031 T single rotor rakes

GA 1031 T machine silhouette

Everything a large model has

GA 4731 T and GA 5031 T are trailed single rotor rakes. They rake at a working width of 4.65 to 5.00 m. With the MASTERDRIVE GIII gearbox they are just as reliable as the larger models. Their arm holders make tine removal very easy.

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With working widths from 4.65 to 5.00 m, these trailed single rotor rakes designed for tractors from 40hp; also have ergonomic advantages, especially in terms of arm removal and machine folding for transport.
GA 1031 T at work

Your benefits

As reliable as a large model


MASTERDRIVE GIII gearbox: reliable and wear-resistant

Today, farm machinery must work more and more hectares and withstand ever higher forces. Machine reliability and durability are the key to meet the requirements of users in terms of work output. The MASTERDRIVE GIII gearboxes have been developed to provide full protection of the drive components and improve wear resistance. This design ensures exceptional reliability and durability even for intensive use.
It includes a double reduction system with a bevel gear and a cylindrical gear. Bevel-reduction tolerances are tightly controlled making the system extremely reliable and robust, even in difficult conditions.
Gearbox wear is greatly reduced and no maintenance is required. The double reduction system makes it possible to include larger cylindrical gears with more teeth for better power transmission.

Robust attachments

The MASTERDRIVE GIII gearbox has been designed to cope with ever increasing stress on the drive mainly due to: Increasing working widths and rotor diameters, raking heavier crops such as silage, haylage, straw and hay.
  • Important components have been strengthened to make the rotors lighter yet more robust:
  • Aluminium housings.
  • Optimised cam track to reduce forces on the roller.
  • Larger diameter roller to reduce rotation speed and pressure on the cam.
  • Tine arms with large diameter bearings.
  • Stronger pivoting-tine-arm shaft.
  • Reinforced main shaft.
  • Reinforced mounting of the tine arms on the tine holders (bolted).
  • Reinforced tine arms

    For tractors from 40 hp

    Use GA 1031 T single rotor rakes with tractors from 40 hp.
    GA 4731 T coupled to a tractor

    Easy and ergonomic folding and adjustments

    GA 4731 T: place arms in their ergonomic storage areas effortlessly

    Less time and effort for arm removal

    These rakes were designed with new, more ergonomic arm holders and centralised locking. Remove arms and place them in the storage area effortlessly. The rotor can be turned to make each tine arm easy to access. It is very easy to change plots with the GA 1031 single rotor rake series. Practical when your fields are divided by roads.

    A crank handle to set raking height

    Raking height is easy to adjust via a crank handle.
    Raking height adjustment by a crank handle

    Swath curtain and guards deployed simply

    The swath curtain and guards can be deployed hydraulically (optional equipment) or manually, very easily thanks to a weight compensation spring.
    Easy deployment of swath curtain

    Top quality forage

    A well formed swath thanks to double-curved tine arms

    Swath formation: the benefit of double-curved arms

    The homogeneous quality and volume of the swath are conditions for fast drying and easy pick-up by the following baler.
    The tine arms on GA rakes are in hyper-tangential position. This means that they reach a 90 degree angle very late. With the tines' sharp-angled cam, tine clearance is quick, later and requires little rotational effort to produce regular, fluffy and straight swaths. Raking is of high quality even at high speeds because the forage is not pushed past the swath.
    The advantages of double-curved arms:
    • They reduce the distance between tine passes. Forage loss is reduced to a minimum, even at high speeds.
    • The main weight is at the centre of the tine arm. This increases service life as it is not subject to pressure during rotation and the guide rollers are less subject to stress.

    Protecting plant stubble

    Perfect rotor adaption to variations in the field is just as important as reduced ground pressure when it comes to protecting the ground and plant stubble.
    Single rotor rakes are fully equipped to meet these requirements.
    Each rotor is equipped with four wheels in tandem positioned extremely close to the rotor for optimised contour following on uneven plots.
    4 wheels in tandem, extremely close to the rotor for ground following

    Make swaths, don't break them!

    The lift system allows you to reach a swath bypass height which is over 40 cm for mounted models.
    GA 1031 T in headland turn position
