SKARIFIC DUOL silhouette

Better cutting of surface residues

Scarifying the soil is an essential function for the performance of your crop, its main function is to loosen the soil and keep the residues on the top. With this in mind, we created an innovative project where the chassis of the equipment has the system disc/tines-disc/tines.

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The Skarific scarifier model with the Duol system brings an innovative function when we talk about scarification, as the concept of this system is different from the others, with equipment from 25 to 35 articulated tines, its disc/tines-disc/tines system brings better performance in areas with a large accumulation of residues. As we know, the accumulation of residues is a very important factor for the crop, since this accumulation protects the seed and retains moisture in the soil, bringing benefits to the crop. That's why it's so important that we decided to create this innovative system that brings better cutting to the surface part, keeps the residues in their place of origin, and makes the scarification work happen without altering the residual layer of the surface.

Your benefits

System of tine with automatic disarming


Tine with 25.4mm thickness

The tine system of the Skarific line was designed with the idea of serving all types of soils, with an automatic disarming system to ensure the equipment's lifespan, avoiding unnecessary breaks and wear. With this function, there is no concern in opening new areas or working on unknown terrain, as when it collides with an obstacle, the system disarms, ensuring the integrity of the equipment and its components. The system consists of a special development tine of only 25.4mm, ensuring uniform loosening, leaving a smaller furrow on the top of the soil.

Header with hydraulic adjustment

Better ergonomics when coupling the equipment

Better ergonomics when coupling the equipment

The Skarific Duol model scarifiers are large equipment due to the great efforts; the chassis was developed with a well-reinforced structure to withstand scarification work in the most difficult conditions. Related to this characteristic of the equipment, its tractor hitch header has a robust structure that brings confidence and durability to it. Thinking of all the details, a header with adjustment through the tractor's hydraulic command was developed; the system is composed of two high-strength hydraulic cylinders, which are regulated by the tractor's command, bringing ease and improving the operator's ergonomics with easy coupling.

Duol system disc/tine-disc/tine


Surface residues practically intact

The Skarific Duol model scarifiers bring to the producer the disc/tine-disc/tine system, so we can treat it as equipment with two chassis (duol system) that, compared to the other model, brings the benefit of better cutting in areas with a large accumulation of surface residues. This occurs due to the distribution of disc and tine; conventional scarifiers have two lines of discs after two lines of tines, while the duol system has the disc/tine-disc/tine system distributed on the chassis with the line of disc after the line of tine on the front and rear of the equipment, working as if it were a double chassis. This proximity of the beautiful disc line with the tine line brings better results in cutting surface residues.


