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GEO 2 / GEO M 2 / ANTIS 2 / ANTIS M 2 / PDF 2

LA silhouette de l'ANTIS M 2

Simplicity and precision with the ANTIS M 2 sprayer

ANTIS M 2 trailed sprayers represent KUHN's mid-range vineyard and orchard sprayers. With a tank capacity of between 1,000 and 2,000 liters and an 820 or 920 mm front-suction fan, the ANTIS M 2 trailed sprayer meets precision and simplicity demands.

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GEO 2 / GEO M 2 / ANTIS 2 / ANTIS M 2 / PDF 2

KUHN sprayers are built on a common design that ensures stability and easy handling. Each machine features a balanced 3-in-1 tank, a robust frame, wheels suited to various conditions, a versatile axle, and three drawbar options for optimal manoeuvrability.

Designed to meet the need for precision, ANTIS M 2 sprayers feature an enhanced finish and guarantee the uniform distribution of crop-protection products.
L'ANTIS M 2 au travail

Your benefits

A stable, easy-to-handle machine

Visuel 3D du châssis des pulvérisateurs PDF 2, GEO M 2, GEO 2, ANTIS M 2 et ANTIS 2

Robust, durable frame

The products used in sprayers can be highly corrosive, and even small traces of rust can damage the frame. With its galvanized coating, the frame is fully protected against corrosion, delivering enhanced durability and reliability for your work in vineyards and orchards.

Stay balanced!

The 3-in-1 tank is designed for optimum ergonomics and outstanding stability. The three polyethylene tanks (main tank, clean water tank and hand-washing tank) are symetrical and fit together seamlessly. This design ensures balanced operation, whether in transport or during use. Stability is maintained, regardless of tank volumes.
Visuel 3D de la cuve 3-en-1 des pulvérisateurs PDF 2, GEO M 2, GEO 2, ANTIS M 2 et ANTIS 2

Wheels for all conditions

The wheels on KUHN's vineyard and orchard sprayers offer maximum flexibility. On dry ground, "standard" wheels are perfect. For wet or soft soils prone to sinking, wide or low-pressure wheels are recommended. These wheels reduce ground pressure, minimizing compaction between rows. What's more, wide wheels enhance machine stability on sloping terrain.
Photo d'une roue du pulvérisateur ANTIS M 2

Precise spraying

Photo du pulvérisateur ANTIS M 2 au travail

Front Air Suction: protection and efficiency

Front air suction helps protect the operator from exposure to the products being applied. If any product drifts toward the front of the sprayer, it is sucked in by the fan.

This system also minimizes the risk of drawing in soil debris like leaves or cut grass. As a result, there’s no risk of fan blockage, ensuring consistent airflow and air volume throughout the operation.

R-82 and R-92 Fans

The ANTIS M 2 sprayer can be fitted with a round 820 or 920 mm diameter front-suction fan. The fan's rounded shape makes it ideally suited to goblet-trained trees. It generates a powerful, consistent air flow, meaning it can spray at a greater distance from trees and effectively target tall crops. This versatility also makes this fan an excellent choice for trellised orchards, such as vineyards or apple orchards.

Variable-tilt blades and a two-speed multiplier adapt the amount of air generated to the trees' growth stage, for optimized spraying. Air deflectors and air straighteners ensure a uniform air flow directed at the target.
Vue arrière du pulvérisateur ANTIS M 2 avec une turbine ronde R-82

V-82, V-85 and V-92 Fans

"V-shape" front-suction fan with diameters of 820 or 920 mm are also available for ANTIS M 2 sprayers. This "V-shape" fan is ideal for trellised trees such as grapevines or apple trees, which are generally spaced at a maximum of 2 to 4 m apart. Thanks to its shape, the fan directs the airflow sideways, spraying only the trees and not the top of the machine where there is no vegetation. The trees' proximity and the shape of the fan ensure that the target is effectively reached.

Variable-tilt blades and a two-speed multiplier adapt the amount of air generated to the trees' growth stage, for optimized spraying. Air deflectors and air straighteners ensure a uniform air flow directed at the target.
Photo du pulvérisateur ANTIS M 2 au travail avec une voûte V-92

Optimized use

Poste de mise en œuvre optimisé du pulvérisateur ANTIS M 2

Optimized workstation

The sprayers feature a loading station, equipped with four centralized valves conveniently placed at the front of the machine for easy access and efficient operation. Additionally, the front-mounted pump on these models is designed for easy maintenance, minimizing downtime.

Anti-clogging spray processes

The ANTIS M 2 sprayer is equipped with three basic filtration levels: a sieve filter, a suction filter and a pressure filter. Section filters are also available as an optional extra. This multiple filtration system greatly reduces the risk of clogging nozzles and pipes, keeping maintenance to a minimum.
Filtre d'aspiration du pulvérisateur ANTIS M 2

Simplify your operations with electric regulation

Equipped with an electric regulation system, these sprayers automatically adjust the flow rate in line with engine speed. Users benefit from a straightforward control unit that makes it easy to adjust pressure and open and close the sections right from the cab.
Photo du boitier de la régulation DPME

L'ANTIS M 2 au travail
