Integrated pneumatic seed drill VENTA 100

The VENTA 320 integrated seeding combination (single disc)

Seed with ease, seed with confidence, seed with success"

The integrated pneumatic seed drills of the VENTA 100 range, offer working widths of 3.00 m or 4.00 m. These light and compact models can be fitted with Suffolk coulters (VENTA 110), single-disc coulters (VENTA 320), or SEEDFLEX 100 (VENTA 130).

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The VENTA 100 range of pneumatic seed drill combinations offer working widths of 3.00 or 4.00 meters (depending on the model), and a hopper capacity of 850 litres (1,150 litres with extension). Thanks to their light and compact design, they are suitable for tractors from 120 hp. They are designed to make all essential machine adjustments quick and easy. Seeding can be managed with an ISOBUS terminal. The KUHN VT 30 terminal is the ideal solution for non-ISOBUS tractors! Easy to combine with KUHN HRB 302, HRB 303, HR 304 and HR 3004 power harrows, and equipped with Suffolk coulters (VENTA 310/410), single-disc coulters (VENTA 320/420), or SEEDFLEX 100 (VENTA 330), these pneumatic seed drills prepare the seedbed and drill in a single pass. Opt for this new, simple, integrated, and efficient seeding solution!
VENTA 310 at work on a mixed-crop/livestock farm

Your benefits

A lightweight and compact design and lower costs

Seed drills of the VENTA 100 range have a centre of gravity close to the tractor for improved driving comfort

Centre of gravity close to the tractor

The seed drill is directly attached to the frame of the power harrow. Its centre of gravity is thus closer to the tractor, which allows good machine manoeuvrability in the fields and on the road, as well as excellent visibility of the seeding units. The power needed to raise the seed drill combination has also been reduced.

An airy coulter-bar design

The coulter bar of the VENTA 100 seed drill range has been designed to reduce the weight at the rear of the seed drill as much as possible while maintaining its sturdiness
The coulter bar of the VENTA 100 seed drill range is lighter.

An optimized pneumatic circuit

Seed drills in the Venta 100 range are equipped with a hydraulic blower drive that is independent of the tractor's PTO speed. Thus, the blower speed is not affected by fluctuations in engine speed. This has many advantages: easy adjustment of the blower rotation speed, a constant flow of seeds to the seeding units, and fuel savings.
Thanks to an optimized pneumatic circuit, it is now possible to reduce the blower speed. Enjoy reduced oil consumption with only 15 l/min for small seeds and 26.5 l/min for large seeds.
VENTA 320 pneumatic circuit

Practical, simple, intuitive seeding experience

Easy-to-adjust seeding depth

Fast and simple adjustments

The VENTA 100 seed drill range has been designed so that all essential machine adjustments are quick and easy to perform.
Seeding depth is adjusted on both sides of the seed drill with a spanner. A marker explicitly indicates the direction of rotation. Adjusting the tillage tool does not affect the seeding depth.
The Suffolk-coulter and single-disc versions (VENTA 110 and 120) have just one centralised screw, next to the coulter bar, to adjust the coulter pressure of each seeding unit. Hydraulic coulter-pressure adjustment, directly from the tractor cab is also possible (optional equipment). The lower stop feature provides precise seeding-depth control, including on uneven plots and when shallow seeding with high pressure.

Everything within reach!

The hopper can easily be filled with a big bag thanks to its large opening. Its access is facilitated by a wide loading platform and a retractable ladder.
The distribution head is located at the rear of the hopper. A step facilitates access for cleaning tubes or when changing seeds.
To make the calibration test as simple as possible, all essential tools are at your fingertips. The calibration bag is stored under the hopper. Spline opening is easy to adjust with a crank handle. A retractable and extendable holder allows you to hang the scale and the bag. Finally, to start and stop the calibration test, there is an on/off button on the hopper, near the metering unit.
The hopper, distribution head and metering unit are easily accessible.

ISOBUS tractor or not, we have the solution!

Seeding can be managed with an ISOBUS VTI 60, CCI 800, CCI 1200, or any other ISOBUS terminal available on the farm. The KUHN VT 30 is the ideal solution for non-ISOBUS tractors! Just one power cable is required to change from one to the other. ISOBUS CCI 800 and CCI 1200 terminals make it possible to manage seeding automatically by GPS, including tramlining, application rate modulation with the TC-GEO function, and stopping/starting the seed drill at the end of the plot with the Section Control (TC-SC) function.
ISOBUS compatible, seeding modulation

Quality sowing in all conditions

Centralized metering unit with volumetric flutes

Precise and regular distribution

The VENTA metering system is recognized for its simple design and its precise and regular work. The centralized metering unit with volumetric fluted roller makes it possible to distribute all types of seed, from the smallest to the largest, with a rate precision ranging from 1 to 430 kg/ha. There is no need to disassemble or change parts on the metering unit, even for small seeds. To protect delicate seeds, it is also possible to disengage the agitator without tools. The metering unit is electrically driven, which allows you to modulate the seed application rate directly from the in-cab terminal.

Seeding depth respected

The seeding bar is guided by the power harrow roller.
This configuration has numerous advantages:
- great seeding-combination stability;
- optimum ground following, even in stony conditions;
- a constant seeding depth at all times, independently from the power harrow's working depth. Adjusting one of them does not affect the position of the other one.
The seeding bar is guided by the power harrow roller.

VENTA 310 / 410: Suffolk-coulter efficiency

For heavy and/or sticky soils such as clay. VENTA 310 and 410 pneumatic seed drills feature Suffolk coulter seeding units

VENTA 320 / 420: single-disc versatility

For easier passage in wet conditions and/or in residues.The single-disc seeding unit consists of a large-diameter disc (Ø 327 mm) which opens the furrow perfectly. It is at a slight angle to minimise soil spray into the row which is particularly useful at fast working speeds. A cast-iron coulter on the side of the disc consolidates the furrow and delivers the seed with precision. These seeding units are positioned in 2 rows, spaced at 27 cm, to facilitate passage in wet conditions or in plant residues. Coulter pressure can be adjusted up to 32 kg.
VENTA 320 and 420 pneumatic seed drills feature Single disc seeding units

VENTA 330: SEEDFLEX 100 precision

Precision seeding, even at high speeds. The VENTA 330 seed drill is equipped with SEEDFLEX 100 seeding units. Their large-diameter double discs are offset by 41 mm for perfect furrow opening. These seeding units are mounted on a parallelogram and are fitted with press wheels to control seeding depth precisely and optimize soil/seed contact. Their 2-row design and 15 cm spacing facilitates passage through plant residues. The coulter pressure of each seeding unit is adjustable up to 40 kg to maintain a sufficient seeding depth and ensure good tamping in dry conditions or when deep seeding at high speeds. The roller bearings and bearings of SEEDFLEX 100 seeding units are lubricated for life. They require no maintenance.
The VENTA 330 pneumatic seed drill is equipped with SEEDFLEX 100 seeding units


VENTA 310 at work on a mixed-crop/livestock farm
