SH additional hoppers

View of the various SH hoppers

Increase your possibilities!

With the SH additional hoppers, benefit from a compact solution that is adaptable to many KUHN seed drills and stubble cultivators. Equipped with a centralised metering unit with volumetric grooves, they precisely distribute seeds, slug pellets or fertiliser granules whatever their size.

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Localised fertilisation, seeding of plant cover or associated crops, stubble cultivation and seeding in a single pass... KUHN's SH additional hoppers offer a simple and effective solution for implementing these practices while reducing establishment costs, limiting compaction and optimising yields.

Additional hoppers SH 1120, SH 1540 / 2560 / 4080 & SH 600 can, depending on the model, be associated with a KUHN seed drill from the VENTA, ESPRO, MEGANT ranges or with the TF 1512 front hopper. The assembly allows, in a single pass, to establish a plant cover with several species precisely dosed, to provide starter fertilisers or immobile mineral nutrients as close as possible to the seed or to protect the seedlings from pests such as slugs. Coupled with an ESPRO RC, they offer the possibility of establishing up to 3 products at 3 different depths!

The SH 201, SH 402 and SH 600 additional seed drills are adaptable to KUHN stubble cultivators OPTIMER, CULTIMER, PERFORMER and PROLANDER (depending on the models). The SH 600 seed drill can also be coupled to a PROLANDER. They allow stubble cultivation and seeding plant cover such as mustard, phacelia, clover, rye grass and cereals in a single pass. By fitting your stubble cultivator with an SH seed drill, you ensure precise seeding of plant cover in optimal germination conditions while reducing establishment costs.
The SH hopper with an OPTIMER stubble cultivator at work

Your benefits

The SH hoppers offer many benefits

The SH hopper at work in a field

A solution to the current agricultural challenges

Agriculture faces numerous economic and environmental challenges: protection of resources, preservation of soils and biodiversity, limitation of impacts linked to climate change (droughts, floods, etc.), reduction in the consumption of inputs and fuel... To meet these challenges, our agricultural systems are evolving.

Fitting an SH additional hopper to a KUHN seed drill or stubble cultivator participates in these developments by offering the possibility, in a single passage, to :
  • Sow several species at different depths;
  • Position starter fertilisers as close as possible to the seed ;
  • Combine seeding and stubble cultivation;
  • Protect seedlings from pests such as slugs.

Find more details on the benefits of plant cover and localised fertilisation below.

The benefits of plant covers

The SH additional hoppers, coupled with a KUHN stubble cultivator or seed drill, represent the ideal solution for establishing plant cover. The latter have numerous benefits.

Agronomic benefits:
  • Improvement of the structure and porosity of the soil. Roots and earthworms form a network of galleries to aerate and loosen the soil.
  • Weed management. The covering power of inter-crops makes it possible to compete with weeds and limit the spread of their spores.
  • Improved soil fertility. The decomposition of plant cover represents an important source of organic matter.

Environmental benefits:
  • Limitation of nitrate leaching and protection of the soil against erosion. The first centimeters of soil, rich in nutrients, are particularly sensitive to erosion and flooding. Establishing a plant cover helps preserve this nourishing layer by limiting runoff.
  • Increase in nitrogen available for the following crop. The trapped nitrogen, in addition to that resulting from the decomposition of the cover in spring, will limit the input to the future crop.

Benefits of localised fertilisation

The combination of an additional hopper with a KUHN seed drill allows meeting these challenges by offering, among other things, the possibility of delivering fertilisation as close as possible to the seed.

Agronomic and environmental benefits
  • Root development. The availability of nutrients promotes root development of the crop.
  • Weed management. Applying fertiliser locally and not over the entire surface of the soil helps limit the growth of weeds.
  • Reduction of the risk of leaching. As the fertiliser is delivered close to the seeding line and not on the surface, the risk of leaching is limited. This practice contributes to the protection of waterways.

Economic benefits
    ## NewLine##
  • Savings of time and fuel. Sow and incorporate fertiliser in a single pass!
  • Savings on fertiliser purchases. The space between rows is not fertilised.
  • Fewer inputs for the same yield! The use of fertiliser, ideally placed, is optimal. Losses due to the characteristics of the fertiliser or climatic hazards (evaporation, leaching, etc.) are limited.
View of localised fertilisation

SH compatible with seed drills and stubble cultivators

View of the various SH hoppers

How to choose an additional hopper?

Choosing an additional hopper is made according to the product to be established, the machine used and the desired objective.

Additional hopper SH 1120:
  • Objective: deliver an additional product in the same seeding line as the main crop;
  • Compatibility: ESPRO, MEGANT, VENTA, TF 1512.
Additional hoppers SH 1540 / 2560 / 4080:
  • Objective: broadcast seeds at the same time as the main crop;
  • Compatibility: ESPRO, VENTA.
Additional hoppers SH 201 / 402:
  • Objective: broadcast seeds while cultivating the stubble to save one passage;
  • Compatibility: OPTIMER, CULTIMER and PERFORMER (according to the models).
Additional hopper SH 600:
  • Objective: broadcast seeds while limiting stops thanks to its 600 l hopper;

SH 1120: mix 2 products at 2 different application rates

The additional SH 1120 hopper, with a capacity of 110 litres, can be coupled to a wide range of KUHN seed drills with a working width ranging from 3 to 6 m*. The unit allows combining a seed, a fertiliser or a slug pellet with the main crop. The combination of the SH 1120 additional hopper with a seed drill from the ESPRO RC range, with a double compartment hopper, allows seeding up to 3 species in a single pass!

HELICA metering system, composed of helical volumetric grooves, allows delivering a multitude of products of different sizes and shapes at an application rate ranging from 0.5 to 30 kg/ha (depending on the product, speed and the working width). The desired application rate of the additional product is injected into the flow of the main metering unit. The products are mixed then placed in the same seeding line.

* Compatible seed drills: ESPRO, MEGANT, VENTA & TF 1512
SH hoppers on ESPRO

SH 1540 / 2560 / 4080: broadcast seeding

The SH 1540, 2560 and 4080 additional hoppers allow broadcast seeding at the same time as sowing the main crop. The product is dosed individually over an application rate ranging from 1 to 80 kg/ha (depending on the product, speed and working width). It is then transported to the rear of the seeding bar thanks to the air flow coming from the main seed drill's blower *, then distributed over the entire working width via specific spreaders.

These hoppers are equipped with the HELICA metering system recognized for its simple design and precise and regular work. The calibration test is facilitated by the electric metering drive.

The hopper model depends on the working width of the main seed drill with which it is combined: SH 1540 (150 litres): 3 m; SH 2560 (250 litres): 3.5 to 4 m; SH 4080 (400 litres): 6 m.

* Compatible seed drills: ESPRO and VENTA
SH 1540 / 2560 / 4080: broadcast seeding

SH 201 / 402: stubble cultivation and seeding in one pass

The SH 201 and 402 seed drills with a capacity of 200 and 400 litres benefit from easy and precise adjustments to provide a simple and efficient solution for seeding cover crops while stubble cultivating.
As standard, the SH 201 and 402 are supplied with 3 metering rollers depending on the type of seed. The metering unit is driven by an electric motor for increased reliability and no maintenance.

Seeding management is done via a control box in the cabin:
  • S12 control box: without ground speed related regulation, it requires a constant speed to respect the application rate;
  • S30 control box: with ground speed related regulation, it ensures a uniform seed application rate whatever the speed of work;
  • ISOBUS terminal.
Thanks to the 8 seed transfer tubes and the spreaders positioned between the tillage units and the roller, the seed is distributed evenly over the entire worked width. The tamping of the roller reinforces soil/seed contact for optimal germination.
The SH 402 is also available with a hydraulic drive to establish plant cover based on cereals (rye, oats, triticale, etc.).

SH 600: optimise productivity

The SH 600 additional seed drill is compatible with ESPRO min-till seed drills with a working width of 6 metres and the PERFORMER, CULTIMER, OPTIMER and PROLANDER stubble cultivators. It allows “broadcast” seeding at the same time as stubble cultivation or sowing of the main crop. Its features?

Its features?
  • Large capacity. Thanks to its 600-litre hopper compatible with big bags and a working width ranging from 4 to 9 m, this additional seed drill is characterised by its great operating range allowing you to limit stops for refueling!
  • A wide range of application rates. Equipped with a centralised metering unit with volumetric grooves, it allows precise distribution of seeds, slug pellets or fertiliser granules. Its wide application rate ranging from 1 to 430 kg/ha allows adapting the dose very precisely according to the period and seeding conditions.
  • Excellent distribution. To ensure uniform distribution over the entire working width, the product or seed is distributed at the rear of the ESPRO seeding bar via 20 specific spreaders. The latter are positioned 40 cm from the ground to limit the effects of the wind. On stubble cultivators, product delivery is done in front of the roller via 16, 20, 24, 30 or 36 spreaders depending on the working width.
OPTIMER stubble cultivator and SH 600 additional hopper

The comfort of ISOBUS

CCI 1200 terminal with SH and ESPRO

The ISOBUS benefits!

Increased flexibility thanks to the ability to control all functions via a single ISOBUS terminal. Connecting a GPS signal to the ISOBUS CCI 800 or 1200 terminals allows automating numerous functionalities such as application rate modulation from a prescription map (TC-GEO* function) or metering unit start-up and stop at the headland (TC-SC* function).
Additional hoppers SH 1120, SH 1540 / 2560 / 4080 and SH 600 are ISOBUS as standard. The SH 201 and 402 seed drills can, for their part, be equipped with ISOBUS as an option.

*Activations on the CCI 800 and CCI 1200 terminals are necessary.


The SH hopper with an OPTIMER stubble cultivator at work
