Rigid RM shredders are available with working widths of 2.36 to 4.01 m and adaptable on tractors up to 200 hp. The folding RM R models feature working widths of 4.80 and 6.10 m and can be used on tractors up to 350 hp.
Rigid RM shredders are available with working widths of 2.36 to 4.01 m and adaptable on tractors up to 200 hp. The folding RM R models feature working widths of 4.80 and 6.10 m and can be used on tractors up to 350 hp.
The RMS 820 shredder with a working width of 8.20 m is ideal for intensive work on large areas. It is suitable for high-power tractors of up to 450 hp.
BC 1000 series shredders with working widths from 2.8 to 6.5 m are the ideal choice for cereal farms, machinery cooperatives and contractors. They are specially designed for intensive jobs with tractors between 150 and 400 hp.
The WS 320 BIO is a specialised energy crop shredder designed to harvest crops. With a working width of 3.23 m it also allows working in combination with a baler with a power requirement of 150 hp.
Two shredders are available as complementary or alternative solutions to chemical defoliants for potato crops. They come with working widths of 3.20 and 3.70 m respectively.