AERO 32.1 mounted pneumatic fertiliser spreader

AERO 32.1 mounted pneumatic fertiliser spreader

Taking fertilisation to the next level

Equipped with a 24-nozzle boom and working widths of 27, 28 or 30 metres, the AERO 32.1 pneumatic fertiliser spreader enables delivering the right dose in the right place with precision. Free yourself from weather-related constraints and fertiliser quality!

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Optimising application rates and getting the most out of every kilogramme of fertiliser are real economic and environmental challenges. The AERO 32.1 mounted pneumatic fertiliser spreader’s precision will allow you to meet these challenges by spreading uniformly right to the edge of the field. Its application rate is precise and modular over 4 sections, and it has an integrated weighing system. It provides great flexibility in terms of input purchases and spreading windows. You will also save time and increase your autonomy with its 3,200 litre hopper (1,900 litres without the extension) and working width of up to 30 m. The AERO 32.1's hydraulic booms are easy to control from the tractor cab, and they fold to the rear for safety on the road.

Your benefits

Enter the world of precision fertilising

Explanatory visual of fertiliser rate modulation of the 4 sections

Precise and modular application rate over 4 sections

The AERO 32.1 fertiliser spreader has 4 hydraulically-driven metering units that form 4 sections. Each metering unit is connected to 6 nozzles and can be switched on or off and be adjusted individually. It is, therefore, possible to modulate up to 4 spreading rates and to shut off any sections not required, in a single pass.

Weighing system to eliminate the need for a calibration test!

No need to perform a calibration test! The AERO 32.1 has an integrated weighing system. Two weighing cells transmit the level of fertiliser remaining in the hopper, and if necessary, allow adjusting metering unit speed to modify the application rate.
The AERO 32.1's hydraulic metering unit

Uniform spreading to the edge of the field

The AERO 32.1 pneumatic fertiliser spreader is equipped with a 24-nozzle boom and working widths of 27, 28 or 30 metres that enable delivering the right dose in the right place, right to the edge of the field, without going beyond. This configuration will allow you to optimise your profits and respect the environment.
Border deflector and fertiliser diffuser

No compromise for maximum profitability

No compromise on spreading, even when it's windy

More spreading windows

Weather windows are increasingly short which leaves little time for cultivation operations. With the AERO 32.1's boom system, you can fertilise your crops even when it's windy. The ballistic quality of fertilisers and seeds is no longer an issue and you no longer need to refer to spreading charts: just load and spread.

Savings on the purchase of fertiliser

The AERO 32.1 is capable of spreading with precision, right up to the field border. This includes fine, light, or compound fertilisers, such as urea and bulk mixtures that are usually more difficult to spread over large widths with centrifugal spreaders. Precision spreading of any fertiliser type means significant savings on the purchase of this type of input.
Fine, light, or compound fertilisers

Widen the field of possibilities

The fine metering roller (available as an option) makes it possible to spread slug pellets, microgranules and broadcast small seeds for plant cover. For late spreading, there's nothing simpler! Just reverse the direction of the diffusers, and you're ready.
The AERO 32.1 diffuser in late-spreading position

An alliance of comfort and performance

ISOBUS compatible: CCI 1200

Make the most of all the ISOBUS-compatibility benefits

The machine can be managed via a CCI 800 or CCI 1200 ISOBUS terminal, or any other ISOBUS terminal on the farm. It is also possible to use an AUX-N joystick like the CCI A3 with its colour touch screen. You will benefit from many functionalities such as :<br /><ul><li>application rate modulation via application maps or a biomass sensor ;</li><li>manual or automatic section shut-off by GPS ;</li><li>data transfer between your CCI terminal and your office software thanks to KUHN Connect solutions.</li></ul>

An easy-to-open boom, and compact on the road

The hydraulic booms fold out to the sides of the hopper for work and fold back to the rear for transport. Their compact design and integration into the dimensions of the machine makes transport simple. The booms can be set to a "V" position from your terminal to make headland manoeuvres easier. The boom also has an automatic safety system that folds up the extremities in case it comes into contact with an obstacle.
Highly compact design with booms well integrated into the dimensions of the machine

Automatic boom height adjustment

To follow the contours in the plot, the AERO 32.1 can be equipped with « Distance Control » which manages boom height with ultrasonic sensors. The driver can then concentrate on the job at hand, even at night, or work at high speeds and maintain good work output.
Automatic boom height adjustment thanks to "Distance Control"


Optional equipment for even more operating comfort

The AERO 32.1 mounted pneumatic fertiliser spreader at work
